Happiness is knowing of what you are made

Do you move through life feeling everyday is the same? Like some repeated pattern
that goes on and on? Everything is just boring, boring, boring. You work so hard to earn enough money to play, but yet your playtime passes so fast. Suffer five days, enjoy two days.

For life to have zest, everyone needs that natural feeling of drive, anticipation, and excitement. When you don't not know how to get it naturally, you feel you have to resort to artificial means to stimulate that sense of being fully alive, desperately trying to bring some meaning into life. But you see, happiness is within you... If you can't satisfy your wants, then the other way to happiness is to release them. Let go of that which you feel you just must have. You can make yourself suffer because you crave what you do not have. And let me ask you this: Is this yearning self-created? Or something imposed on you by the outside world? Perhaps it's the outside world's fault because other people keep flaunting their luxuries and exotic experiences. But surely, we create this yearning within ourselves. It is within our power to control it, or release it altogether.

Lord Richard Layard, Professor from the London School of Economics, a leading happiness researcher, says, "Happiness is a balance between your expectations and your attainments. One way is to get what you want. The other, is liking what you get."

Many of our desires are misplaced. We think getting them will bring us happiness, but that is an illusion. These misplaced desires are nothing more than temporary pleasures. You don't need to satisfy your desires to be happy; you need only release them. 

The people who feel good everyday, without resorting to vices, have one mental characteristic in common. They have a dream, and they know what they want to achieve in life. This sense of purpose drives them; gives meaning to their existence. They have discovered their soul's calling, and are living life to the fullest by following it. This is different from those who are 'party animals', "living life to the fullest" by drowning in deafening music, and shaking till the sun rises... That's not living, that's dying.

If you want to find true meaning and happiness in life, then you've got to uncover your life's purpose. For each of us has a unique destiny. A path made specially for you to walk on this journey through life. Follow it, and you arrive in paradise. Ignore it, and you continue to wander... wasting time, and life itself. 

1. You need to know what youíre made of. Your talents, strengths, and abilities. 

Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them... (Romans 12:6)

2. Craft a vision for yourself, and visualize that dream in your mind.

3. Work out a plan that sets your goals and decides what actions you must take to achieve them.

4. Tell your closest friends about it, and commit yourself to taking five of the planned actions everyday to build your dream.

When you see that your actions are creating results, it will be a natural source of excitement and inspiration. Instead of spending time, energy, and money on vices, you invest it in creating an upward spiral of success. By releasing your desire for temporary pleasures, you kick your bad habit out the door. By choosing to live your purpose and answer your soulís calling, you break free from the chains of monotony, and find truth, meaning, and happiness in life.

Surely there is a future, and your hope will not be cut off. (Proverbs 23:18)